Published Works
The Hyacinth Review, 2024
I dreamed of living in a sandcastle by the sea, / for a breeze to stir my moping wind chimes / like a carousel, loping.
"They were shaped like a hum and wavered a smeared lens, lonely and speculative. I pulled out my list of baby names and started assigning childhoods."
Quail Bell Magazine, 2022
"One is crowned king and flooded with gifts. They pass the crown often; to ensure equality is to ensure everyone will attend the funeral. One last cake."
Somewhere in a Dream, 2022
"...and loves it / the way he loves the sound of coffee brewing black / because to sugarcoat / neglects the maturity that comes / from the bitter enrichment of truth."
Dishsoap Quarterly, 2022
"I potted and killed all varieties of flora, raised them for slaughter, all in hopes of a fresh salad for her rotting candy teeth."
Currents, 2022
"I shook magic 8-balls long before / flirting with religions."
Currents, 2021
"Cabin socks are lured across the tiles, sticking as they shuffle / when a creak disrupts the scuffle."
The Sublunary Review, 2024
"if you strum it before metamorphosis, would the vibrations crumble them to the inner barrel, or wake the butterflies prematurely as they stare at heaven’s trembling gate posts and listen to the angels?"
"The overgrowth creeps out of my sleeve and stretches past my fingers, clasping my hand into a gentle fist in resolution with a biblical elegance on the brink of religion."
heart balm lit, 2022
dedicated to those that felt more at home sleeping over at a friend’s house growing up
Somewhere in a Dream, 2022
"They can trust her reflective jewels / of honest opacity and candor, / and the flock echoes her parable / aria."
Boats Against the Current, 2022
"Moonstruck curiosity follows its collusions / across canisters and fishing line, / waiting for it to disappear in a dark corner, / but the tent stretches on. "
Currents, 2022
"It is supposed to be cleansing, / purifying, / repentance for the filth / and germs collected—"
Future of Glass
Currents, 2020
"A snow globe waits on a crowded shelf / like the cue of a broken billiard spread."
The Metaphysical Review, 2023
"The answer is obvious, the acoustics."
The Waxed Lemon, 2023
"In a hotel room, they rent The Game of Life and laugh. How ridiculous, pink and blue pegs for children, more color options for cars than people.”​
Haven Speculative, 2022
a poem dedicated to my 5-year-old self.
Patchwork Lit Mag, 2022
"She wanted to blow the biggest bubble, so large that it would orbit her and call her mother."
Boats Against the Current, 2022
"You stare out the window that ruptures two foggy atmospheres: your soft exhalations / and the biting whisper that lurks just outside / as your head tilts toward the latter / and rests on expectation / that glass will never shatter."
The Botanist
Currents, 2021
"Someone to play the radio for, to water when they start to droop, to give haircuts that correct rebellious growth..."

"If I Am a Jellyfish". the tide rises, the tide falls. sand dollars, December 2024.
"Flighty" and "Interior Design". Backwards Trajectory. October 2024.
"The Promised Land". The Hyacinth Review. Nautical Issue, March 2024.
"The Woodland Instrument Store". The Sublunary Review. January 2024.
"Why a Laundromat?" The Metaphysical Review. Issue II: Into the Metaverse, August 2023.
"Hums, Murmurs" and "Overgrowth and Dead Leaves". KALIEDOSCOPED MAG. Ghosts & Gossip, March 2023.
"Forward-Thinking". The Waxed Lemon. Issue 5, February 2023. Page 37.
"Birthday Parties". Quail Bell Magazine. February, 2023.
"Slumber Sugar”. Heart Balm Literary. Fox & Hound, December 2022.
"Time Travel". Haven Speculative. Issue 7, November 2022. Page 54.
"A Morning Far Away" and "Sky Aria". Somewhere in a Dream. Ed. Phoenix Tesni. September 2022. Pages 12,13.
"The Creation Story". Patchwork Lit Mag. Issue 4, September 2022. Page 43.
"The Chocolatier." Issue 4, Dishsoap Quarterly. May 2022.
“Boy Scouts” and “A Bus Window in Mankato, MN". Boats Against the Current. April 2022.
“Disbelief” and “Soap and Religion”. Currents. The Road Less Travelled, April 2022. Pages 39, 53.
"She departed without the hidden suitcase." Six Word Stories Ed. Doug Weller. 4th ed., February 2022. Page 52.
“The Botanist” and “Apartment 312”. Currents. Homebodies, May 2021. Pages 11-12.
“Future of Glass”. Currents. Rose Tinted, May 2020. Page 42.

IndieGo Zine
Small zine anthology of travel and location-inspired writing and art. It includes her own works, "Painters of Prague" and "Bubbles in Old Town Square", as well as the works of Michelle Medina, Claire Ellerman, and more. It also includes a curated playlist, Sunroof Sounds, and hand-drawn sketches.

Travel Journal
Her travel journal showcases her early exploration of mixed media on paper, also being foundational for her interest in journaling and in location-inspired art. The featured song is Malá Strana from her EP, Robin's Egg Blue.